Program Terms and Conditions
The iRedeem Points Website(as hereinafter defined) customer rewards program (the “Iredeem Program”) offers customer members enrolled in Iredeem (“Members”) reward points (“Points”) in connection with each dollar of purchase at any merchant enrolled in the Iredeem Program (“Merchant”). The Iredeem program allows Members toobtain gift cards for use at the businesses of Merchants who are activelyenrolled in the Iredeem Program, through the online platform on the Site, in exchange for the redemption of Points.
To participate in the IredeemProgram, an individual must be a Member. Iredeem Program Membership is grantedin Iredeem’s sold discretion and may be withdrawn in Iredeem’s sole discretionwith or without notification. An application for enrollment in the IredeemProgram may be completed at a Merchant business location or on the Site. Onlyone Iredeem Membership is available per person.
Points may be earned by Members in connection with each dollar of purchase (before taxes) at a Merchantbusiness. Points are not transferrable or assignable unless expressly permitted by Iredeem. Points will be earned at the rate of 1 point for each dollar spent ata Merchant business. Occasionally, through specified promotions, additional Points or other benefits may be awarded to certain Members or offered bycertain Merchants. Iredeem may change the basis on which Points are awarded(including the number of Points awarded) at any time, with or without notice,in Iredeem’s sole discretion. Each Merchant will have a policy with respect to refunds. In most cases, in the event of a refund, the Merchant will automatically deduct the Points earned forthat particular purchase. Except as specifically provided herein, Points have no cash value and are not exchangeable for cash. Points are void if sold,purchased, assigned or transferred. Should any Member not earn points for___________ consecutive months, the Iredeem Points Card will be deemed to beinactive and all Points accumulated may be forfeit, with or without notice, in Iredeem’s sole discretion. Points will be posted to a Members account ________days after receipt from a Merchant.
The trade marks, logos, andservice marks (the "Marks")displayed on the Site are the property of Iredeem, its affiliates or otherthird parties who have permission from Iredeem. Users are prohibited from usingany of the Marks for any purpose, including, but not limited to use as metatagson other pages or sites on the World Wide Web without the written permission ofIredeem or such third party which may own the Marks. All information andcontent including any software programs available on or through the Site (the "Content") is protected bycopyright. Users are prohibited from modifying, copying, distributing,transmitting, displaying, publishing, selling, licensing, creating derivativeworks or using any Content available on or through the Site for commercial orpublic purposes. Users are further prohibited from knowingly or unknowinglysubmitting to Iredeem for posting or publication, or themselves posting orpublishing on the Site, any material which violates or infringes any copyright,trade mark, trade secret, patent, statutory, common law, or other proprietaryright of others.
All content, products, andservices on the Site, or obtained from a web site to which the Site is linked(a "Linked Site") areprovided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind either expressor implied including, but not limited to, any implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement,security or accuracy. Iredeem does not endorse and is not responsible for (a)the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made throughthe Site or a Linked Site by any party other than Iredeem, or (b) thecapabilities or reliability of any product or service obtained from the Site ora Linked Site. Under no circumstances will Iredeem be liable for any loss ordamage caused by a User's reliance on information obtained through the Site ora Linked Site, or User's reliance on any product or service obtained from theSite or a Linked Site. It is the responsibility of the User to evaluate theaccuracy, completeness or usefulness of any opinion, advice or other contentavailable through the Site, or obtained from a Linked Site. Please seek theadvice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of anyspecific opinion, advice, product, service, or other content.
The information, software,products and description of services published on the Site or a Linked Site mayinclude inaccuracies or typographical errors, and Iredeem specificallydisclaims any liability for such inaccuracies or errors. Changes are periodicallymade to the information on the Site and Linked Sites. Iredeem may makeimprovements or changes to the Site at any time. You agree that Iredeem, andany of its officers, directors, employees, or agents will not be liable,whether in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, for any direct,indirect, punitive, consequential, incidental or special damages (includingwithout limitation lost profits, cost of procuring substitute services or lostopportunity) arising out of or in connection with the use of the Site or aLinked Site, or with the delay or inability to use the Site or a Linked Site,even if Iredeem is made aware of the possibility of such damages. Thislimitation on liability includes, but is not limited to, the transmission ofany viruses which may infect a User's equipment, failure of mechanical orelectronic equipment or communication lines, telephone or other interconnectproblems (e.g. you cannot access your internet service company), unauthorizedaccess, theft, operation errors, strikes or other labour problems or forcemajeure. Iredeem cannot and does not warranty or guarantee continuous,uninterrupted or secure access to the Site.
Except as required by law and inaccordance with Iredeem's Privacy Policy, the terms of which are found on the Site and incorporated into these Termsand Conditions, Iredeem will maintain the confidentiality of all Usercommunications which contain personal User information and which aretransmitted directly to Iredeem. Users should be aware that Linked Sites maycontain confidentiality or privacy provisions that differ from the provisionsprovided herein. Iredeem is not responsible for such provisions, and expresslydisclaims any and all liability related to such provisions. In the event of acontradiction or inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and thePrivacy Policy, the Privacy Policy shall take precedence.
By submitting comments,suggestions or ideas to the Site, including suggestions for improvements to theSite, Users do not enter into a contractual or confidential relationship with Iredeem.Users agree that the content of their submission will become the sole propertyof Iredeem and Iredeem will be entitled to use such submissions for any reason,in any medium, in perpetuity, without any liability or obligation and withoutcompensation. Users further agree that any review of their submissions by theSite does not create the inference that the submissions are original and Usersacknowledge that Iredeem may have independently created or might in the futureindependently create something substantially similar or identical to suchsubmission with no liability or obligation resulting therefrom. Submissions andsuggestions sent to Iredeem will be treated as non-proprietary andnon-confidential and will become the property of Iredeem which may or may notuse same for any purpose.
Users grant Iredeem anon-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, sublicenseable (throughmultiple tiers) right to exercise all copyright and publicity rights, in anyexisting or future media, known or unknown, over the material or User datadisplayed in User listings, including User IDs, geographic location, ormaterial otherwise provided by Users on the Site but only to the extent thatthe exercise of such rights would not violate the policies outlined in theSite's Privacy Policy.
Iredeem prohibits caching,unauthorized hypertext links to the Site and the framing of any Contentavailable through the Site. Iredeem reserves the right to disable anyunauthorized links or frames and specifically disclaims any responsibility forthe content available on any other Internet sites linked to the Site. Access toany other Internet sites linked to the Site is at the User's own risk. Usershould be aware that Linked Sites may contain rules and regulations, privacyprovisions, confidentiality provisions, transmission of personal dataprovisions, and other provisions that differ from the provisions provided onthe Site. Iredeem is not responsible for such provisions, and expressly disclaimsany and all liability related to such provisions.
Iredeem is under no obligation toreview any messages, information or content transmitted between Users ("Communications"). Notwithstandingthe above, Iredeem may take any action Iredeem considers necessary in its solediscretion to remedy or prevent Users whose User Communications contain:
(a) Any unlawful, harmful,threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful,racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind,including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that wouldconstitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwiseviolate any applicable local, provincial, federal, or international law.
(b) Advertisements orsolicitations that violate Iredeem' written policies or that Iredeem objects tofor any reason whatsoever.
(c) Communications wherein Usersimpersonate others.
(d) Personal information such asmessages that state phone numbers, social insurance numbers, addresses, oremployee references.
(e) Communications bynon-spokesperson employees of Iredeem purporting to speak on behalf of Iredeemor containing confidential information concerning Iredeem.
(f) Communications that offerunauthorized downloads of any copyrighted or private information.
(g) Multiple Communicationsplaced within individual folders by the same User restating the same point.
(h) Any other Communications towhich Iredeem objects and at its sole discretion decides to remove.
Without limiting the generalityof the foregoing, Iredeem shall have the right to immediately terminate orsuspend any passwords or accounts of a User in the event of any conduct by aUser or which Iredeem, in its sole discretion, considers to be unacceptable, orin the event of any breach by a User of this Agreement.
Violating or attempting toviolate Iredeem' system of network security is strictly prohibited, and thoseundertaking such activity will be prosecuted under criminal and civil liabilitylaws. Iredeem will monitor systems and will investigate incidents involvingsecurity violations, and will involve local, provincial, or federal lawenforcement if a criminal violation is suspected. Examples of system or networksecurity violations include, but are not limited to:
(a) unauthorized access to or useof information, systems, or networks, including attempting to test thevulnerability of a system or network or to break or bypass security, password,or authentication measures;
(b) unauthorized viewing ormonitoring of data or traffic on any network or system;
(c) interference with system or networkservice in any part and in any way, including flooding or deliberate attemptsto overload a system and broadcast attacks; and
(d) forging identifyinginformation on any type of transmitted data, including any TCP-IP packet header, any part of an e-mail header,or a newsgroup posting header.
Iredeem reserves the right torevise this Agreement at any time without notice to Users by revising the termsand Conditions herein. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these Termsand Conditions and Users' use of the Site following any such changesconstitutes acceptance of such changes. Therefore, it is in your interest to re-read our Termsand Conditions and Privacy Policy from time to time in order that you stayinformed as to any such changes.
17 Violation of Terms and Conditions
Iredeem reserves the right toseek all remedies available at law and in equity for violations of these Termsand Conditions, including the right to block access from a particular Internetaddress to the Site. Iredeem, is its sole discretion, may terminate thisAgreement or suspend Users' access to the Site upon breach of this Agreement,including, but not limited to the User performing activities harmful to Iredeemor its Members, employees, vendors, business relationships, or other Users ofthe Site, in thesole judgment of Iredeem.
Iredeemmay terminate this Agreement at any time. This Agreement, which includes the Termsand Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and any operating rules for Iredeemestablished by Iredeem, constitute the entire agreement of the parties withrespect to the subject matter hereof. No waiver by either party of any breachor default hereunder is a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach ordefault. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall beof no legal force or effect. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalidby a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect theenforceability of any other provisions contained in this Agreement, and theremaining portions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. This Agreement shall include any additional terms, Conditions,notices, policies or disclaimers provided by Iredeem, its licensors, Merchantsor other third partiesin specific areas of the Site. However, in the event of aconflict between such terms and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreementshall take precedence.
Access to and use of passwordprotected and/or secure areas of the Site is restricted to authorized Membersonly. Unauthorized individuals attempting to access these areas of the Site maybe subject to prosecution.
This Agreement shall be governedby and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta and allapplicable Federal law without regard to conflicts of law principles. The Users agree that any disputes concerningthese Terms and Conditions, the Site or anything else described on this Site orin these Terms and Conditions shall only be decided by and are within theexclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Alberta.
NO recourse if points left over and program is terminated
Iredeem will not be liable orresponsible in any manner for any tax consequences which may flow fromparticipation in the Iredeem Program. Iredeem Program Members will be solelyresponsible for the reporting of any income tax benefit and the payment of anytaxes.
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